Code of Conduct
We are Mobilise (Mobilise) expects all signatories to act lawfully, honestly, ethically and with integrity at all times and in every aspect of their involvement with Mobilise. Volunteers are accountable for their own actions in accordance with the Volunteer Agreement.
All volunteers, staff, board members, students, interns, contractors, and consultants are bound by the code of conduct.
The CEO is responsible for ensuring the Code of Conduct is provided to all persons identified in the scope, and for ensuring all persons understand their obligations with respect to the Code of Conduct, including pathways for reporting and responding to breaches.
While volunteering for We are Mobilise, I will:
- Treat everyone with respect, courtesy and sensitive, taking into account people’s individual experiences and views.
- Always act in an inclusive and non-discriminatory manner towards all persons.
- Act with honesty and integrity and make decisions that are fair and equitable.
- Perform my role responsibilities fairly and honestly and to the best of my ability, and notify an appropriate senior volunteer or member of staff if I am unable to do so.
- Apply my skills, knowledge and experience with due diligence and care.
- Support and value the work and contributions of other volunteers and staff.
- Constructively address any issues that arise which may affect my ability to carry out my role as volunteer, or which may negatively affect the organisation and/or its mission.
- Follow all lawful and reasonable direction.
- Uphold Mobilise’s vision, mission and values.
- Comply with all relevant legislation, standards and other compliance mechanisms.
- Be accountable for my own actions.
While volunteering for We are Mobilise, I will not:
- Provide or leak false or misleading information in relation to the organisation, its volunteers, or people experiencing homelessness.
- Ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed harm or abuse toward or involving any volunteers, staff, board members, students, interns, contractors, and/or consultants.
- Not arrange or engage in personal contact, including online contact, with children, including children experiencing homelessness, for any purpose other than in cases where mature minor and/or guardian consent has been provided for a young person to work with Mobilise.
If I think this Code of Conduct has been breached by another person in the organisation, I will:
- Take actions promptly to ensure that children are safe, where relevant, by reporting my concerns to a member of Mobilise leadership and/or relevant authorities.
- Promptly report any concerns to my immediate supervisor, the CEO or another manager or leader in Mobilise.
- Follow Mobilise’s policies and procedures for receiving and responding to complaints and concerns.